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Monday, May 23, 2016

What I read in April..Alternate Title, Egads, its almost June

I promise I'm alive, just busy!

 As the school year wraps up, I have to say I'm bummed to lose two of my favorite classes ever--they are juniors, so  they will be back next year, but, golly, our class(es) will never be all together again.

Morrison continues to grow at an astounding rate, some day acting like a toddler and other days like a teenager..she is a sweet puppy, but a bit of a troublemaker when it comes to plants (I'll provide photo evidence later...suffice it to say that she has never met a plant that she allows to remain in its pot).

I also seem to be spending a lot of time in the car again, although I can't pinpoint exactly why--there are no current sports!

So in April I only read one book..and it was a re-read so I don't know if it really counts--Voyager (by Diana Gabaldon)--I did listen to The Blood of Olympus (Rick Riordan) with The Boy in the car--for a grand total of 2 book--eesh. In May I may read 3....