So our Christmas letter last year was's a "Christmas in July" letter....sort of ....
According to my friend, Google, Summer began on June 22 and doesn't end until September 22...but for my (public school teacher) purposes it started on May 29 and ends (sort of) the night of August 8😭. There are still more summer plans in the works....a couple more concerts (covid-willing🤦), some camping (hopefully when we get these floors and related work done 🏡), and hopefully lots more nights sitting around the fire pit downtown or in our backyard🔥. Here's a partial wrap up though for those of you who don't follow us on social media or want a condensed list!
* Let's cheat a little and start with May 22--the first concert any of us had been to in over a year--a free concert at Levitt Pavilion Denver (awesome venue, by the way)--Devotchka! Opening acts: Nina Defreitas and Adam Cayton Holland--both kids came with us! We finished up the evening like we were in college--at IHOP for pancakes (did you know a lot of IHOP's are no longer open 24 hours? Who knew?!)
*June 5: Brother of Brass. Levitt Pavilion. They were supposed to open for the Flobots, but the Flobots have stormed out...another great concert! (Don't worry...we saw the Flobots later!) Both are local bands and put on a great show--Brothers of Brass made an appearance at the rescheduled Flobots, too!
*June 19 was a very modified LobsterFest--but a chance to use our awesome backyard!
Not included in the list were numerous date nights--usually Wednesdays, but sometimes other nights, to fabulous restaurants in Denver and Castle Rock--
and a lot of long walks, a couple longer hikes,
and Planet Fitness trips...
oh...and a partial house remodel including new hardwood floors and paint for most of the first floor (stone will go in laundry and powder will paint...) and a new dishwasher (swoon!)
a backyard "remodel" including a new fire pit, new bench, awning, lights.....and more!
The Girl started (official) nursing school, moving to an apartment near campus and taking Alice The Cat with her.
The Boy got his driver's license,
(no picture by his request :) )
we bought a (new to us) Jeep (not for The Boy...)
and I bought new hiking boots to replace my 20+-year-old pair ...
we bought a lot of records (tried to get one at each concert and ordered a few as well!)
and I snuck away with a friend for some yarn-related vacationing and silliness...
an exciting summer!
*And...3 more concerts scheduled in August, (4 if you count one the Co_Ski_Atty and The Boy are going to without me), 3 in September, 2 in October...and one on the calendar already for next summer🤣...I'm so glad live music is back!
Happy (sort of) end of summer--can't wait to see what the fall brings!