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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Happy Birthday to The Boy

Since the rule is we can't put up Christmas decorations until after The Boy's birthday, it is always a doubly exciting day for some of us.  For so many reasons.  This year, the plan is to celebrate Birthday #9 with some friends at the house and watch the recently released Despicable Me 2.  Stay tuned for a full birthday party report, of course...

2004-The Boy, like The Girl, arrived right at dinner time and our doctor almost didn't arrive on time.  The Boy likes to provide a little excitement, so after the cord was removed from around his neck, he bit the doctor as he was being born.  Dr. P yelled "ow!"...I said, "um, aren't I supposed to be saying that?".  Nice, job, Boy...biting the hand that delivers you...His sister looks so much more delighted than him in this picture...I think he is looking for someone else to bite.

2005--a little cake face. Unlike his sister, this one had experienced "sugar" before his first birthday, hence the bored look.  He still gets that look after a big meal.

2006--Here's The Boy on the right, a neighbor on the left and The Girl right in the middle. I like the Elmo hats and the lawn furniture in the living room.  And giant stuffed Elmo on the right.  I have those curtains in my current living room and they have a lot more holes from Alice the Cat now.  Sigh, Alice.

2007-First birthday party in the new house--wow, the walls and carpet look so clean!  This appears to be a Monster's Inc cake...with Lightening McQueen candles.  We're nothing, if not loyal to Pixar..This would also be around the time I found him hanging by his arms from the 2nd floor railing.  When asked "What are you doing?", his very logical response was "Hanging".  Well, I guess I can't argue with that.  I did tell him to either go up or down...but not to drop.

2008-This cake is one of my works of art...I am amazed it held together long enough to put candles in it.  He wanted a pirate cake.  I think I used about 6 tubs of frosting, 2 packages of rolos, some malted milk balls, Hershey's pot of gold...and tooth picks.....mmm, toothpicks...

2009--This was the year of the "Harry Potter party", which has reached the status of epic legend in some circles.  There were Harry Potter trading cards (featuring The Boy), themed games and food, costumes...lots of chaos.  Recently one of my friends who I didn't know well then, but whose boys came to the party, said to me, "Yeah, at the time I wondered what kind of crazy person has a Harry Potter party for a five year old, but now that I know you...."  She's still laughing though, that this year's party instructions are "sit on the couch and watch the movie.  Seriously.".

2010--no clue what he is doing here other than celebrating a restaurant dinner.  This might be at our local sushi/hibachi place, where they have an anatomically correct plastic statue of a little boy firefighter that they use to, um, douse, the flaming hibachi. Again, mmm....

2011--The really short haircut makes him look so little!  This party was a Star Wars Theme.  There was a lot of hitting with light sabers.  I think I've repressed a lot of it.  This might be the party when I actually put kids in time out.

And 2012--the onion volcano! The party was an Indiana Jones theme (with fewer guests than 2011) followed by dinner at our favorite Hibachi restaurant.

Happy 9th birthday to The Boy!

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