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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Getting a tree, Ranch style

After a slight snafu, involving questionable behavior from the children, we finally went to the tree lot today to pick up a tree.  The local Boy Scout Troop has a lot and, as usual, when we arrived they had about 5 trees left.  This year we didn't wait long enough to get a discount though (the year we bought a tree on December 19, we bought it for half off...).
We are in the midst of a seasonally appropriate snow as well--makes the view from the kitchen window very pretty!

 You can see the lot across the street--it is snowing and my phone didn't go to the lot with us.  Since The Girl is using my waterproof, shockproof camera for yearbook, that leaves me with only the phone as a photo taking device.
The Boy was cold, by the way.  The Girl was already sitting in the car, despite the six teenage Boy Scouts discussing Mr. IM's car and attaching the tree to said car's roof...
 Mr IM was also cold...and in case you were wondering, yes, that is a carbon fiber hood.
 View of the tree lot (and the hospital). See...we didn't take the last tree!

 The Boy says "my face is freezing...."
Nice and warm in the car...

The tree is thawing (and dripping) in the garage while we get ready for The Boy's birthday party at the new trampoline park at the new rec center....More festive photos to follow soon...

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