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Monday, January 12, 2015

Random thoughts on my birthday (Version 39.5)

First of all, thanks everyone who sent notes, posted on Facebook, sent cards, found cake at work and shared it, listened to my tales of birthdays far it has been a great day!

The kids and I stopped for Jimmy John's on the way home...I was very unmotivated to cook and the leftover situation is sparse at best.  "We" have music lessons tonight so the rumor is that we are going out for a real dinner tomorrow (Yay!  Two nights with no cooking and no dishes?  Now, that's a birthday present!).   I've spent the afternoon saying to The Boy, "DON'T tell me what you got only have to wait until Dad gets home!  SERIOUSLY!!! Loose lips sink ships!! Unless you got me a couch...did you get me a couch?  If you got me a couch I need to move the old couch!"

I've smiled all day as I read your messages and looked at pictures and remembered birthdays many of you have spent with me.  My secretary and I had a giggle over how I received a birthday message from someone I had a crush on when I was in middle school...giggle.  I think I've also convinced my friend, S, to bake (and decorate) a cake for me the next time I see her (yes!  she made our wedding cake---best cake ever!)

And the icing on the cake (so to speak) is that The  Girl was accepted to her first choice of high schools for next year...ah...very good!

Yay!  Thanks, everyone!

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