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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What I did on my Fall Break

Ok, you caught me...we're only halfway through fall break...but this is a catch all of what I've been up to and what I hope to finish before going back to school on Monday!

Monday:  Cleaning, hauling stuff to Goodwill drop off, picking up The Boy, Guitar lesson, grocery store, Target, Dentist appointment.  The good news is that we have a guest "room" again--bad news is that The Boy has moved into it while we are dog sitting, so he and the dog can bond.

Tuesday:  More cleaning and hauling, watch two episodes of "Outlander"  (it was ok...not worth $1.99 for more episodes though...I'll wait for it from the library), playing with dogs, pick up food to feed 15 freshman volleyball players, pick up The Boy, watch some volleyball, feed 15 volleyball plays, concession stand stint, home to watch Roanoke on the History Channel (meh, it was ok)

Wednesday:  Finish Roanoke while making 4 lasagnas (3 to freeze, one for tonight).  Talk to water heater people about scheduling permit inspection for heater that was installed a couple weeks ago.  Prep to make chicken and rice casseroles for freezer, entertain visiting dog while waiting for her owner to pick her up.  Later today, pick up The Boy at chess club and watch some more volleyball. And pick up some more carbon monoxide detectors, since the inspection requires more than we have.

Thursday plan:  8:00 am coffee with principal at The Boy's School (not just me, grade 3-5 parents), lunch with a friend at 11, COSTO run, pick up The Boy...somewhere in there hopefully run to the post office to mail  gifts to my newest nephew and his brother.

Friday plan: Wait at house for water heater inspection.  Maybe get work done in yard, more laundry (of course).  Pick up The Boy--trick or treat downtown for a few minutes?  Pick up the to grocery store to get stuff for Saturdays' adventures

Saturday plan:  Visit puppy at 11, go to friends house to watch Purdue get creamed by Nebraska, drop The Girl off at a friends house to help friend supervise younger sibling trick or treating, take Boy trick or treating with friends.

Sunday plan:  Church and collapse...I need a vacation from my vacation...geez.

Other items on the "to do list"  (let's see how far I really get:  clean yard and prep for winter, dispose of dead dorm fridge, change smoke detector batteries and clocks, work on school work, and the usual....laundry, dishes, bills..egads)

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