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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

What I read in October 2015

In my defense, two of these books were really, really, long...

1.  Dragonfly in Amber (Diana Gabaldon)--Continues the story of Claire, the time traveling doctor, and her family.  I liked it more than Outlander--as you might remember, I wasn't too fired up to read this (the 2nd) book in the series, but didn't have anything else and it was "in" at the library--I enjoyed it and I think I'm hooked--
2.  Voyager (Diana Gabaldon)--Book 3 of the series--I have book 4 on the "hold" list a the library, waiting for it to come in.
3.  Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard:  The Sword of Summer (Rick Riordan)--I enjoyed the original Percy Jackson series and the "Heros series" that came after, but never got into the "Egyptian" series by Riordan.  I think I read 2 or 3 of the series, hoping they'd get better and wasn't ever excited.  The Boy asked me to put this book on hold for him and when he was done reading it  I thought, "gee, it's fall break, a quick read, I might as well...".  It doesn't make my top 10 list (I don't think) but it was entertaining, much more like the Percy books than the Egyptian books.  I'd recommend it if you have a couple extra hours and want to read something quick.
4.  Come Rain or Come Shine (Jan Karon)--As always, it was sweet, not very exciting, a couple plot "twists" that could almost been seen coming.  I enjoyed it--it was nice to "see" Dooley get married and visit Mitford
5.  The Outlandish Companion (Diana Gabaldon)--like most "companion" books, I'm not really reading this one cover to cover--it is interesting, and I'll admit I'm not quite done with it now (writing on Oct 30), but I feel like I'll be "done" with it before midnight on October I'm including it.

I'm on the wait list for a couple books at the library, book 4 of the Outlander series of course, book 21 (22?) of the Stephanie Plum series, and book 3 of the Robert Galbraith (JK Rawlings) book.  There is also allegedly another Psalm 23 Mystery coming out Oct we'll see what I end up reading in November!

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