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Saturday, January 2, 2016

What I read in December 2015

At first I
 wasn't sure I had read much, then I realized I read three Diana Gabaldon 800 pages each, that is something I guess....

1.  Career of Evil (Robert Galbraith)--I'm always nervous when I wait a long time for a book, but the long-awaited books this month were worth it.  This is book 3 in the Cormoron Strike series, (not so) secretly written by J.K. Rowlings under the Galbraith pen name.  I did find the ending a bit odd, and wonder where she is going to go with it...but I'm sure she has a plan!
2.  Thy Rod and Thy Staff (Debbie Viguie)-another long awaited sequel, no idea what number this is, but it is part of the Psalm 23 mystery series.  Still entertaining, but each book seems a little shorter and a little more rushed.  As my mom says, "I just have to keep reading until the two main characters get married, then I'm good".  Luckily for me I didn't have to buy this one--Dad figured out how to loan it to me, so I read it that way.
3.  Superior Storm (Tom Hilpert)-I really like this series--I think there are four books in it now.  I read number 1 when it was free on Kindle, then bought number three.  This is number 2, don't know how or why I skipped it, but Dad loaned it to me, too and I enjoyed it a lot.  I hear that #4 is out now.  Series is about a pastor in Northern Minnesota who solves mysteries.
4.  A Breath of Snow and Ashes (Diana Gabaldon)--yeah, I know they are trash...but such entertaining trash.  I finished all the books that are I guess I wait with everyone else for the next book...due out in 2-5 years :)
5.  Tricky Twenty-Two (Janet Evanovich)--Long awaited--enjoyed it--Stephanie Plum solved more mysteries and got into more trouble.  Good book, fast read.
6.  An Echo in the Bone (Diana Gabaldon)
7.  Written in my Own Heart's Blood (Diana Gabaldon)
8.  Lost Hero on CD (Rick Riordan)-I would have sworn that I had read this when it first came out, but there were parts I didn't remember.  The Boy and I are working our way through the series in the car, so we didn't make a lot of progress this month, because we didn't go many places during break.  If you enjoy Riordan books, this one is good. (And the reader doesn't do annoying voices, like the reader for Percy, yay!)
9.  The Ruins of Us (Keija Parssinen)-Recommended by my cousin.  About a Muslim couple and what happens to their family when the husband takes a second wife.  It was interesting, set in Saudi Arabia.  Good, fairly quick, read.  Lots of thought provoking passages about couples in general and relationships with almost grown children.
10.  Pawn (Aimee' Carter)--Recommended by my friend, T, who we all know never steers me wrong. This is another dystopian Young Adult read (I giggled when I looked it up and it actually published by Harlequin Teen...words that do not appear on the cover anywhere!).  The Girl actually read the first few pages when she waited for me to run into the grocery store and has only put it down when I take it to read it.  About a girl who becomes the unwilling stand-in for a princess.  Good read, book 1 of a trilogy.

I also "read" The Outlandlish Companion 2 (Gabaldon)--flipped through it, looked at what I wanted to, but really didn't read all of it and started reading Seal of Honor. It was interesting, but I don't know that I'll finish it, it spent a lot of time with the family, waiting to find out if Michael was dead or missing, I had a hard time reading it.  Up first on the agenda for the new year is the newest Charles Martin book.  (I'll start it later today).

Grand total for the year?  124 books.  I'll post links to the year's book posts on the "top 10"...stay tuned, I'm working on it...I'm having trouble narrowing it down...

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