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Saturday, May 6, 2017

No IEPs done today

My only trip outside the house was to the new grocery store early this morning and I'm at 17,470 steps...I guess I did get something done today...but no IEP's....Here are some pictures from around the yard and house.
Little patio owls had a bath so they are ready for spring...
Beach gnomes are enjoying their seashells and the warmer weather

Side yard frog and some is popping up in new places now!
A little new mulch in the front--clearly some more is necessary, at some point...but this covered the bald spot for now
One grape vine with leaves and buds
Ducks had a bath and are ready for summer, too!
Hostas have a little new mulch--they are looking good!
There is a hole in the bird bath, so now it is a bird nest.  Or something...we'll see...
New seating area?  Or maybe I've had the table there before.  Clearly the border needs some attention, but that is as far as I got today!
Side yard patio cleaned up--ready for plants and decor as soon as it is really summer!
View from backyard looking towards side--peach tree looks good, despite the crazy freeze last weekend!
A few of the surviving succulents...Morrison likes to eat them...
Another view of the side yard, with the dog containment gate in place.
Garden, seeds planted...we'll see what happens with weather during the next couple weeks, I guess!
My new hummingbird light--the girl thinks it is ugly!  The nerve!
Purdue planter gets a plant...although I think I need one in a smaller pot eventually!

Saint Francis, his raccoon, and his bunny survived the winter..
Greenhouse is to keep things at just the right temperature--I hosed it down a few times today to keep it cool enough!  Even with the door open it was warm in there today!
View from deck
Another view...
Ducks again...
I put the gnome village in the backyard this year--we'll see if the boy lets them stay there--they are pretty cute in their new place..

One planter from the greenhouse--I was hoping it would flower by now, but it hasn' next year I'll have to get a greenhouse heater and start growing things in January!

We're going to "test out" the yard for the first spring party--next week is LobstaFest (a fundraiser for the Colorado SIDs foundation).  Should be a good party!

As some of you commented on facebook, we've been cleaning inside as well-we've sold and given away several items, including the train table and a couple bikes.... photos of the inside of the house to follow later!

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