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Sunday, August 4, 2013

The world doesn't need another mommy blogger....

I jokingly said to my sister-in-law..."everyone has a blog...I should start a blog" and she said, "well, you should".  So even though the last thing the world needs is another mommy blog, I suppose I'll have one reader (right, Amy@ParkerHausRoles/?) so, well, here we go....
Why Suburban Ranch?  When we first moved to Colorado, we lived within Denver City limits.  Although not downtown, it was definitely more urban than suburban.  We had an apartment for a couple years then upgraded to a 1600 square foot townhouse.  We also seemed to have an never ending flow of visitors (which I actually miss!) who came to see us and see Denver. Sometimes the house was a little crowded and a lot like a zoo--but ranch sounds so much more pleasant :)  At its most crowded, there were 3 adults, and infant, 4 cats, and a dog living in the townhouse...and (because of the infant) we had house guests as well...a lot of fun, but lots of wildlife.  These days, we are happily settled in a house with a (tiny) yard, right across the street from a lovely park on one side and open space/hiking trails on the other.  Our zip code has changed from urban Denver to suburban, although our "little" town of nearly 50,000 claims a history dating back to the mid-1800's (stop sneering, East Coasters...that's pretty impressive in Colorado!). 
I started realizing a few years ago that I never can say everything I want to in our Christmas letters (yes, those of you who know me, know that Tigger cat really writes them...), so maybe this is my answer.  I used to write long, newsy letters to everyone I'd ever met, now we settle for facebook and we'll see.  I'm going to start by backtracking to the beginning of the summer and then all of you who have missed our adventures can catch up :) Hope you enjoy....


  1. I guess if it's a blog and your are a mommy then it is a mommy blog! :)

  2. If the mommy blog doesn't work out, there's always more need for cat blogs. And Tigger is adept at writing!

    1. Tigger may have to write some guest posts...stay tuned...
