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Saturday, November 11, 2017


So I was scrolling through Facebook, looking at pictures of my nephews and other littles and thinking about when my Facebook feed had photos like this:

You see, if you don't follow me, these days it looks more like this

(Weird fog, right?)

Or this....

 (This one didn't actually make it on to Facebook, its a photo of my students working for a class I'm taking--notice no faces..and want to know a secret?  Its' totally staged, because I forgot I had to turn in a "visual diary" and asked them to please pose (with their faces hidden...)

And occasionally this
(Notice he is walking away from me...)

And while my Facebook page certainly looks different these days, I am thankful for my healthy children and their growing independence.  While The Girl is at a friend's house, the Boy, Mr IM and I went to a movie and to dinner--even though we had to wait, there were no crayons and no bribery (although The Boy did drink about 5 glasses of lemonade...hmmm.). The dishwasher is usually emptied by someone other than me, trash cans emptied, pets fed, bathrooms are cleaned.
 (well, not cleaned right now, but technically are cleaned by the children)...leaving me a few minutes this Saturday night to share this brave new world with all of you.  Enjoy where you are, my friends, but don't lament when you reach the next stage...each one so far has its own challenges and joys!

Bonus video from 10 years ago (!!!) this week when we moved into this house
YouTube November 2007, Tissue in the washer

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