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Monday, November 30, 2020

Christmas 2020

November 28, 2020

Hello All, 

It is I, Sid the Cat..typing up another exciting Christmas update.

This year started like most others for us pets. But like many of you humans,

on March 12 things became very interesting. The humans started spending

a lot more time at home--even The Girl, who we didn't even think lived here

anymore! March, they announced they were interested in a new puppy...

I mean, really, who really needs another puppy?! We have Morrison!

Kenosha joined us at the end of May--she is named Kenosha, after Kenosha Pass.

For you non-Coloradans, Kenosha Pass is just beyond the town of Morrison...

you have to go through Morrison to get to Kenosha (and vice versa).

The dogs are good friends and in
a turn of events, Morrison now seems very mature.

Alice the Cat and BOGO the cat continue their feud, but in a curious turn of events,

Sid and Alice seem to have struck up a strange friendship.

Pete and Sarah continue at their jobs--

Sarah at the same high school she has taught at since August 2002 and

Peter at his law firm that he opened in 2005.  Pete has been able to go in to
work through the whole pandemic since his office has a small staff.

Sarah's school changed to remote learning at the end of March and finished

the school year that way. This fall we started hybrid learning, meaning that

Sarah went to school every day and saw each student once a
week in person. We were able to stay in person for eleven weeks before

moving back to remote learning. The district plans to return to hybrid in

January, if not before. According to the district tracker, we could go back to

hybrid before finals in December.

Claudia is a sophomore at the University of Northern Colorado.

She finished her freshman year remotely at home. It was fun to have her home.

The people all acted a little like college students when she was home.

They stayed up late, played a lot of games (video and board) and hung out a lot.

Early last summer she took a CNA class.

She has been working weekend nights at a rehab center near campus.

She and her boyfriend, Collin, have been balancing a long-distance relationship

and enjoyed both of them being a little closer for a few months.

Collin is also a sophomore and is studying at the University of Denver.
Lucas is a sophomore at Rock Canyon High School.

He and Pete were at a competition in Crested Butte on March 12.

They went to bed early and when they got up, everything was canceled.

He ended the year 12th in the IFSA standings for snowboarders 14-18,
even with fewer competitions than several people ranked higher.

This year has started slow, but we are hopeful that some competitions

will be held. He is still playing guitar and enjoys playing for fun.

If you want to see pictures of what we are up to can find and follow us on
Facebook and Instagram:


Sarah Sager Lemire 
Lucas Lemire (lucas.lemire.5494)
Claudia Lemire 

We wish you all a blessed holiday season! 
Sid the Cat (and the rest of the family, too)

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