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Thursday, November 3, 2022

Time Flies....

When I started this blog years ago I thought it was important to not use my kids names because they were young and to not use my husband's name either.  In 2022, when everything is searchable (and my kids are pretty much adults) it seems awkward to not call my husband at least by his name. So...let me introduce you to Pete, previously known as IM, or Mr. Ranch, or Mr. IM.... 

Today  marks thirty years since Pete and I met--I guess I call it a "sort of" anniversary. Even though there isn't an official celebration planned (he is in the midst of moving offices and I will be at my second job tonight) it feels like a day that deserves some kind of public recognition or at least contemplation...

I've been into self-help articles and books lately so I had to research to see if celebrating a dating anniversary is weird after a couple has been married for decades...and....the internet says I'm not crazy for remembering and celebrating.  (For your reading enjoyment, here are a couple of the sources that I'm using to prove this point....  and )  These articles support what I've believed for years--remembering (and celebrating) the little things can be an important part of couple life.  Remembering who we were thrity years ago can remind us of our shared history and reminds us of the hopes and dreams we had and the realities (good and challenging) that we have experienced since then. I think I also tend to recognize this day as a day when some of my plans began to shift, to morph into the life I live now.  I remember being 21 and thinking I had my whole life planned.  If I hadn't met Pete would my life be identical to those plans? Probably not...our life plans are always shifting and changing...but I do like to recognize today as one of the days when there was a catalyst for change, a fork in the road so to speak and  a push or pull towards a path that I hadn't seen before.

Which brings me to acknowledging that I may have hoarding tendancies...

This is my day planner from lives in my bottom desk drawer, with about 5 others from my college days.  I have started to throw them out many times, but I used them not only as a calendar but also as (light) diary. Those of you who know me from back then may even see your name here (if you can read the scrawl...I did remove last names and a couple irrelevant "diary" entries...which I think just adds to the beautiful mess that is here)

When we join me on November 1, 1992, I have work (at Camp Tecumseh) and reminders to pick up friends for...something... and to call others. There reminders about homework and exams--reminders to meet a friend for dinner, to set an eye doctor appointment (Whoo! Contact lenses here we come!).  There are names on those two pages who are still some of my favorite people today, a couple names of "huh, I wonder what happened to them" and a couple names that I have no real idea of who they were or how they fit in my life.  It is strange to see this little window into my other life.  Sometimes in my 2022 life I think how busy I am and long for the days of college and "no responsibilities"--but looking at this I remember that I did have responsibilities and I was busy...a good reminder as I talk to my kids (who are the age now I was then) and my students...just because life doesn't look the same for us doesn't mean it isn't busy or stressful for them!

And on November 3, along with notes about Team Leader Meetings (Swim and Gym, the Pete mentioned there was my boss at the pool), a PSEA meeting (ummm...I don't know what that is), and a note that my friend Chris called so I could tell him happy birthday (there were a lot of Chrises in my life at that time, but I know who this is, hadn't thought about that call in years, and remember it vividly when I read it)  ...there is a note that I "met the new Quad" guys (referring to the dorm that my now husband and his friends lived in).  

And the rest, as they say, is history....

So here's to 30 years of us.... and to 30 you, Petie and happiest of (sort of) anniversaries!


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