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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Good-bye, Indy Dog

Indy Dog's health has deteriorated quickly in the past few months.  In addition to "all the usual" old dog problems (arthritis, some slight liver issues), she developed a tumor on her face.  The vet has been wonderful, working with us to decide what to do and which issues to treat and how to treat them.  She had a long and happy life--almost doubling her mother (Truffle Dog)'s lifespan of 8 years.  We consider ourselves blessed that we had such a great pet, a protector (at least against squirrels...and that one time when the motion sensor lights went on in the middle of the night), a playmate for the kids, and the softest fur ever.  She provided us with years of entertainment, romping through the woods, looking for bunnies, and Christmas trees. Indy was the receiver of The Girl's first sentence ("Not for you, Dog!") and we're pretty sure used to help Tigger get in the trash can.  And we know that she helped both kids learn to walk...and she never met a baby gate that could hold her (well, at least not until the last year).

Last night, when I arrived home at 10 pm after a very long (good, but long) day, I found Mr. IM almost in Indy's kennel with her--her tumor had burst or been torn and she had bled all over the house.  He had her cleaned up, and her and the kids calmed down, but it was clear that this is probably it.  She wasn't walking well and was obviously in pain so we made the difficult decision to have her put to sleep.

Indy, you were a great dog and will be missed.
March 7, 2000 - November 18, 2014


2000, partners in crime

2002, "learning" to chase sticks with The Girl



Her favorite place to sleep until the last few months

September 2014, wearing her fashionable scarf

1 comment:

  1. So sad. It's not easy saying goodbye. Sure sounds like she blessed you well. What a gift.
