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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Happy (very late) Halloween!

Halloween fell during my fall break, as it often does, so I had the day off.  The kids also had the day off...apparently their school just couldn't deal with the idea of having school on Halloween so they scheduled a teacher work day.  The Girl opted to spend her day shadowing at a high school near our church, so that left The Boy and I to entertain ourselves (and everyone else).

Our festivities started the night before--with The Boy demonstrating what they did at their classroom party ("hello, Mr. Ghost"), carving pumpkins, and making stuff out of the pumpkin parts (spicy pumpkin seeds and real pumpkin pasties).

Halloween morning The Boy and I visited Target to pick up misc stuff (like mac and cheese for dinner and Halloween clearance--no good clearance--boo!) and to stalk all the toys (he had me take about 30 photos to use to write his "I want" list for Christmas and his birthday).

We had lunch at Chick Fil A with some friends and then headed to downtown for Trick or Treat Street.  It takes a lot less time than it used to...I told my friend, T, that it used to be like a death march...taking hours to get through one street.  This year we were done in about an hour...benefit of kids who can walk!

We returned home to meet up with The Girl and Mr. IM--shadow day was successful--and had Halloween mac and cheese and mummy dogs for dinner while The Girl and her friend primped and got ready to go out.  The original plan was for the middle school girls to take their brothers, but one of the boys (not The Boy) wanted his dad to go along, so the girls struck off on their own while the dads took the boys and I passed out candy at home (about 50 kids came by, including my kids and their friends.  Twice.).  Liberty had to hang out in her kennel because she can't be trusted to behave.

Happy Late Halloween!

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