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Saturday, August 6, 2016

A Pacific Northwest Adventure, Day 1...Denver to Seattle

I'm back....

So for my parent's 50th anniversary, they took the whole family on an Alaskan Cruise.  Since Alaskan Cruises leave from Seattle, we added a day or so on either end of the trip so we could visit with Mr IM's mom, sister, brother-in-law, and our nephews.

We left the Suburban Ranch very early on Thursday morning and headed for the airport..
As always, there was a lot of hurry up and wait..

 Flying Southwest, we were pretty sure we wouldn't get four seats together, so we had travel buddies---this is mine, in his vintage Varnet shades.

 After a pleasant plane trip, we landed in Seattle and took a shuttle to the airport.  Since it was only 10 in the morning, our room wasn't ready, but the nice folks checked our bags for us. By the time we got everything situated, Grandma arrived and we piled in!
First stop was to visit Grandma's new apartment, including her awesome community garden and her giant tomatoes!

For our second stop, we met up with Aunt A, Uncle M, and the cousins.  Little E was quite the hit with The Girl (although she passed him off when diaper duty came around)

 The Boy found a secret garden, which just happened to be a giant blackberry bush!
 Grandma hung out with all her grandkids at once--
 And helped the enthusiastic boys find blackberries to share with everyone

 For dinner we visited a restaurant in an old school--we ate on the patio, listening to live music, and enjoying the (slightly) cooler weather!

After dinner, Grandma dropped us off at the hotel (for a long walk to our room...biggest hotel ever...seriously) ...Day 1=success!

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