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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Hurry up and wait...

There was at least one episode of MASH when the main characters talked about how life in a MASH unit was all "Hurry up and wait"--that there were periods of crazy rushing around surrounded by a lot of sitting and waiting. 

This week at school has been kind of like that for me--moments of utter chaos surrounded by time spent sitting and watching my kids write final exam essays.  There is, of course, that never-ending mom and teacher "to do list"...but in many moments this week I have just sat and done, well, nothing.  I have felt guilty several times and invented things to do(and been interrupted by "emergencies" several other times).

I think that is God's way of reminding me to observe Advent--to wait quietly and listen for "what next".  To remember that sometimes we are to just wait.  What a great reminder in this crazy, busy world...

Now if I could just grade all those essays in a speedy manner.....

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