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Monday, October 7, 2013

Watching tv, or not, as the case may be

I'm actually writing this on October 1, which is a Tuesday, if it actually matters to this story.  Watching tv at our house can be quite frustrating.  Not because we don't have cable or satellite, but because technology is a pain.  At the moment we have one relatively small tv in the living/family room that is connected to an HD antenna and through the wii to Amazon prime.  We have a second, really, really old (Mr. Ranch got it for Christmas in 1992, giggle) in our bedroom connected to a DVD/VCR so Mr. Ranch can do his PS90 (or whatever that stuff is called) videos.  Usually this isn't an issue, as we also have a family laptop, my work laptop, and 3-4 Kindles capable of watching Amazon prime as well as network tv the day after a show airs.  This fall season though is shaping up to be a fiasco...last Wednesday "Modern Family" was on opposite "Revolution"...oh, the horror, the choices, oh, well, we can just watch one later, right?  So problem solved, I watched "Revolution" on my Kindle Thursday night. Sunday night again with the horror...I actually don't know what "we" did "watch", but I missed "Revenge". (What is it with the "R" tv shows?).   I'm really not that attached to it, so tonight (Tuesday) I thought, "eh, I need some background noise while I pretend to get things done around here".  Sooo....I went up stairs to get the adult Kindle, which was allegedly plugged into a charger on my nightside stand.  Dead.  Dead as Goldie the Goldfish.  Well, hmm, that's weird...still plugged in and everything...maybe a "bad charger"? It is plugged back in, no worries, there are other Kindles in the house.  I grabbed The Boy's Kindle.  Also dead.  Alive enough to tell me it is too dead to connect to the internet.  Well, alrightly then.  Plugged it in.  The Girl's Kindle is confiscated by Mr. Ranch...can't find it, perhaps it is actually at his office?  I give up...I guess watching "Revenge" wasn't meant to be...unless it will play on the home computer while I use my work computer for work...hmmm...


  1. I thought watching tv was suppose to be relaxing.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I actually heard you giggle when you wrote the year of the TV...miss ya
