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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A new adventure!

We moved to Colorado in 1996 and we still find adventures that are new to us!  Last weekend, we attended The 39th Annual Territory Days in Manitou Springs (Really in Old Colorado City, but I guess their "postal code" is Manitou Springs).  We've been to lots of festivals and events in Colorado, but never this one.  It had a lot in common with lots of other festivals--funnel cakes, trampolines, lemonade, and so on.  There is a nice history of the town if you choose the link above.  We've always loved going to the shops and restaurants in Old Colorado City.  A long time ago, Mr. Ranch and I spent a lovely weekend in a Bed and Breakfast there (which is still in business...we may have to go back!) We caught a shuttle from a historical site near Garden of the Gods (and drove around there afterwards).  Here's our photo journal from the day!
Off we go--I get the middle of the backseat to separate the feuding children
 We hopped on a shuttle--a school bus--and The Girl pointed out she doesn't remember ever riding on a school bus before.  I told her that I think we rode another shuttle school bus a long time ago, but that she might not remember it...Notice the porta potty in the background...her favorite photo subject when she was two...

 The Girl couldn't finished her lunch (at the Bon Ton Cafe, seen in the background...we highly recommend it by the way) because she saw this performer (and her Cowboy partner, not pictured).
 Panning for gold

 Mmmm...what's a carnival without some funnel cake?
 Resting (and eating funnel cake)

 Before The Boy was born, Mr. Ranch and The Girl rode one of these little trains at another street festival.  It did not look as exciting as they previously believed.

 The search for a hat for Grandude continues
 The Girl wanted to know why we couldn't buy anything at the shop behind Mr. Ranch...he, he...check out the proprietor...and the name "Hard Core Rummage". Although I'm intrigued what makes rummage hard core...
 And the drive through Garden of the Gods before the children and I fell asleep and Mr. Ranch and Grandude had a quiet drive home!

"Did you have a good day?"

1 comment:

  1. this was an unexpected great time. I highly recommend this event.
