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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Rest in Peace, Tony da Fish

Last Friday was the kids last day of school.  Because of our fantastically confusing final exam schedule, I didn't have any exams to give, so I took the day off to drive the kids around and participate in the end of the year festivities (meaning clean out the lost and found at school and hang the last round of used uniforms in preparation for the fall sale.  And have breakfast with my friend, T...the most important festivity!)

I woke up at my normal time, so there wouldn't be a backlog on the shower and came downstairs to find Tony doing the backstroke.  D'oh.  After checking his vitals about ten times, I came to the conclusion that Tony da Fish was no longer among the living.  (D'oh!).  Um, now...what does one do with a five inch long, inch wide goldfish?  I fished him out of the tank (pun intended) and put him in a Tide Washer Cleaner box lined with paper towel, thinking I'd bury him in the backyard.  Then I remembered the bear.  Um, yeah, there was a bear in our neighborhood yesterday.  Hmm.. burying things in the backyard doesn't sound like a good idea right now.  So I woke up Mr. Ranch (sorry, Dude) and we decided, that since it is trash day, Tony would be leaving our house in a special (large green) container.

Good-bye, were a good fish, even though you killed every other living thing we put in your tank.

At least now I won't have to get a fish sitter when we go to Michigan, right?  And, no, Mom, they do not get a dog to replace the fish...the children already have two dogs.

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