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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Day 10 Seattle, again

Saturday morning dawned with us already docked, but not allowed to leave the boat yet.  We had some breakfast and finished packing up.

There were lots of hugs and then we headed off to the hotel with my parents while my brother's family headed for the airport.

About this time I tried to post "Back in Seattle" to Facebook.  I must not have had very good service, because it has "retried" about every 24 hours since I first attempted....And it shows up as a new post, as if I am currently in Seattle.  Grr. 
Back at the hotel--our view this time was of the "forest" near the lake.

We all couldn't get over how big our hotel room felt!  My folks headed off for the afternoon, and even though we hadn't planned on it, we called Mr IM's family to see if they were free.  They were, and came over for a couple hours to try out the pool and hang out.

After a swim and a couple stories, they headed off
Mr. Ranch had a short nap...we met my folks for dinner and then all fell asleep for one last travel day!

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