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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Almost end of summer garden and other report

This has been an interesting garden year. Some of the veggies that have gone nuts before (cucumbers) have yet to produce anything this year. Due to that weird May snowstorm, the peach and cherry trees and the grape vines didn't produce any fruit (boo hiss).  But we've had lots of tomatoes...

and peppers (don't bother asking what kind...we discovered years ago that no matter what kind of peppers we plant they all end up as some weird, hot hybrid because peppers cross-pollinate..)
A couple weeks ago we spent a quick weekend at the apartment--I have real wildflowers outside the kitchen window! (Not for long...they had snow predicted today!!!)
This is my Alma gardening experiment--one little pepper plant producing some olive-sized peppers :)
What else have we been up to you ask?  Well, we discovered that hats cause Sid to become paralyzed and unable to bite...a win-win (see how cute he is?)
Five (fast) weeks of Cross team, new bests, new school--lots of fun.
More peppers... (the big one is from the CSA, not the garden)
More tomatoes (Heirloom and other) and enough okra to cook with (yay!)
And, of course, mint.  So much mint.  Do you want mint?  Come on over, we have mint everywhere...
Beets from the garden for beet salad...
And my favorite--carrots, parsnips, leeks, and potatoes from the garden.  There were only three potatoes, but I planted a fall crop in the greenhouse...maybe we'll get some later this winter.
A bonus photo of Claudia and I at a cross country meet...
I guess fall is officially here!

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