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Wednesday, March 6, 2019


What a day... things I am thankful for:
Our students listened, followed directions, and did everything we asked them to calmly and patiently without a single argument. They stayed as quiet as teenagers can be expected to be in a crisis and responded appropriately and immediately to (somewhat random) hand signals.
Our district and building staff are just THE BEST. So many people did so much to keep our kids physically and mentally safe. They are problem solvers, huggers, snack finders, staff bathroom unlockers....I am blessed to work with every. single. one.
We were in the room with a LockBloc on the door--neither adult had to step into the hallway to lock our door.
My caseload student who I was most worried about was with people who know and love them, kept them safe, even made sure they had snacks while locked down sitting in the dark, silently. (Which, in and of itself, is a miracle).
The threat to our building turned out, apparently, to just be a threat. The people involved were contained, for lack of a better word and the situation quieted in a speedy manner (even though it seemed like a long time, sitting in that quiet classroom)
I am blessed to be able to have a rental car for the week/end so I could drive myself around with therapeutic 80's music blaring after school and not have to wait for a ride to get home.
Chick-fil-A frozen coffee and Tylenol Sinus have magical healing properties. (or maybe it was adrenaline?)
My tutoring kids, who, of course, had no idea what happened today at my school, were hardworking and on task--a joy to work with. One even said, "Wow! That hour went by fast!". They made me smile after a very long day.
I have a huge network of friends and family who prayed for us while we waited and who rejoiced with us when everything was safely concluded.
So many other things....but I am tired and am going to watch trashy tv in bed (as soon as The Girl gets home from Wish Week Activites!)
Love and hugs to all my OHS people who (like me) probably feel a little (a lot?) traumatized tonight, despite all the blessings. Prayers that tomorrow is a day equally full of blessings. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us, thought of us, sent good ju-ju.

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