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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Well, Hello There!

I don't have a good excuse for not blogging in months. In my defense, I actually started several blogs, but didn't publish any of them for various reasons.  Here's a quick run down on what I've been up to since  May! If I get around to it, I might write individual posts for some of these...but this way Blogger will stop asking if I still want my account :)

 Senior Prank 2018--cute, not destructive, yay for balloons (although the popping was a little unnerving...)
 Bought one of these for my classroom door--google it--good stuff.
 Watched The Boy run track...

 Had a lobsta party
 Planted a garden
 Visited South Park City for the first time (very fun)
 Took The Girl to have senior pictures taken
 Went to a conference with some co-workers
 Hiked with the family and the dogs

 Volunteered at VBS (Preschool games rule!)
 Road tripped
 Met these cuties...

Had a family tea party in South Dakota

 Picked enough cherries from our tree for a small snack
 Took a lot of walks in the neighborhood
 Celebrated Grandudes 70th birthday with another visit to South Park City (and other festivities)
 Found new local destinations (and informed The Girl that her wedding reception can be here)
 FINALLY sold those Victrola records
 Watched my plants grow
 The Girl bought a car (with her own money)
 Visited some colleges
 Made The Girl try on clothes from the 90's
 Traveled east with Grandma for a family wedding
 Played tourist in Boston
 #Table5...there is nothing else to say about that.
 The Boy went back to school
 The Girl turned 17 (!!!)

The Girl started school.....

and here we are!  Happy Fall!

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