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Saturday, April 23, 2016

An evening with an author, sort of

Several years ago I read the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead.  About a year ago, she was scheduled to speak at the local library,  but was snowed out.  BUT...she did come in early April!  My friend, T, and I made a short evening of it--dropping off all the children at my house with Mr IM and a couple pizzas and taking a minute to have some ice cream on our way to the event. Ms. Mead only spoke a few minutes--the typical author speech, "please love my new book, not just my old book...thanks for reading...I can sign 3 books, one personalized"....She did serve fun cookies, shaped like necklaces, to go with the theme of her newest book.  I did not ask the one burning question (in my mind)...does Richelle Mead ever go outside? (She was very pale!)

We handed off our numbered bracelets to the mom and daughter next to us, who between them had about six books to have signed, since T read her books on Kindle and I borrowed from the library.  It was a nice evening and relaxing to hang out with grown ups (well, mostly grownups!)

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