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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Spring Break Sick Break

As usual I had a lengthy list of Spring Break tasks.  The boy and I spent all day Monday cleaning his room and the Bonus room--hauling out a bunch of things to give away, throw away, mail to his cousins....
Tuesday we hung out, Mr. IM came home early because he wasn't feeling well, but we didn't think too much about it.  Wednesday, the boy spent all day on the couch, coughing and watching movies, only getting up to use the restroom and Mr. IM came home early again.  By Wednesday night, the girl felt sick enough to miss volleyball practice...
Have you ever read one of those pioneer novels, where the whole family is sick, and they worry they will starve or freeze, because none of them are well enough to care for the others?  Egads, I think we re-enacted that on Thursday through Saturday night this week.  The girl stayed home sick and in bed for two days and Mr. IM only worked a couple hours each on Thursday and Friday.  Thankfully, we were well equipped with various soups and medications, so no one was in any real danger, but there were no real meal times, or bedtimes...everyone kind of fended for themselves.  A lot of crackers and advil were consumed.  I did leave the house on Friday morning, to acquire more soup and medication.  Today we celebrated being (mostly) fever free (but not cough free by any means) by washing all the sheets and opening all the windows. Hopefully, we've kicked it for now...the list will have to wait for summer break!

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