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Friday, May 30, 2014

I'm a winner!!

My friend, Jen, writes a blog for Daycare Centers callled Daycare in Demand . Even though I no longer work in that setting (and no longer have kids in that setting!), I still read her blog religiously.  Often her advice and insight for Day Care Centers is valuable for all parents and all teachers.  The other day she wrote an article on Memberhub where she reviewed the book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, by Daniel Pink.  The premise of the book really hit a nerve--as a high school teacher I am always trying to figure out what motivates students (and parents and other teachers) as well as trying to figure out what motivates my own kids.  Eeesh.  This book was on my (relatively) short list of things that I would like to read this when there was a chance to win a copy at the end of the blog, I signed up...and guess what? I won!! Yeah! I promise I'll read it soon and let you all know about it!

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