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Saturday, January 17, 2015

A Post about The Girl

Recently The Girl began a not so silent protest that there "aren't enough posts about" her.  This probably stems from the fact that she rarely says things like the Boyisms that so often are heard at our house.  (I think that is probably something to be proud of, for the most part.....just sayin...)
Since she also complains when I post anything about her on Facebook without clearing it first, this should be interesting.
So she appeared over my should while I was writing the first part and announced that I am now writing about her room.  She took my phone, took some pictures and emailed them to me. you go..
Newly organized closet

Top of dresser--see her reflection in the mirror? Photos on left are of volleyball team and she and her friend E when they were 4.

New jewelry box from Grandma and Grandpa--notice "faculty" ID from my school in basket

View from the door

Another view, including stuffed "Indy" dog

Under the loft--comfy chairs (and stereo that needs to be set up)

lotion, hand sanitizer, nail polish and other pretty things....

The lace kitties were a birthday present to me when I was in middle school...making them...old?

Relaxing after the photo shoot...

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