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Sunday, January 4, 2015

What I did on my Christmas Vacation

I'm tempted to write "nothing", because that is essentially what I did....I (almost) caught up on the piles of laundry and dishes threatening to take over the house, so I kind of feel like this was enough...but there were a few other items:

1.  Cleaned and re-arranged the Girl's bedroom (photos to follow, maybe, technology dependent).  We hauled out an entire back end worth of donations as well as a box of hand me downs for a friend's daughter and several boxes of "storage" or "move somewhere else".  And 2 big bags of trash...egads...For several years, the dollhouse that my dad made for me for Christmas in 1975 has lived in The Girl's room--my folks brought it here in 2008 after we moved in this house and while The Girl spent a week with her grandparents, The Boy and I remodeled the dollhouse (that would be a fun post, I'll have to find those pictures).  For most of it's time at the Suburban Ranch, the dollhouse has lived under The Girl's loft

The room has undergone a couple changes since this photo was taken, but essentially was the same.
The dollhouse now is following it's natural progression--when  I was about the Girl's age I dragged the dollhouse into my closet, used shoe boxes to store the dolls and furniture and turned the house into shelves for sweaters and t-shirts.  Last week, that was our project--now she has two chairs and a stereo under the loft--she's waiting for her dad to hook up the stereo and then she'll be in business!

2. Sledding--sorry, no pictures...there were a couple before the camera died from the cold, but only a couple.

3.  Baking and cooking.  Grandude was here for about half the break so I had an excuse to make cookies and to cook every night.  We had tortilla soup and chicken and rice casserole--even had lobster bisque for Christmas Eve.

4.  Napped.  A lot.

5.  Brushed the snow off my outdoor blow up decorations.

6.  Read a couple books (more on that in my monthly book post)

7.  Inventoried our DVDs (gee, we have a lot)

8.  Sort of cleaned my closet.  Sort of.

9.  Played some games of Rumicube, Life, Indiana Jones Life....with the kids

10.  Watched about a bajillion movies, including the entire Harry Potter and Fast and Furious series in order.  A few years ago we started watching the Harry movies all in order during break, this year we've added F and F...we're thinking of having an F and F party in the spring, before 7 comes out, so as we watched we also created a list of foods and drinks consumed in each movie so we can have a theme party...ooh, ah...(Although I have to say that the Harry Potter foods are more fun and easier to identify than the Fast foods--I kept saying, "wait, wait...what's he eating?  corn nuts?" rather than just looking at the spread on the table in the great hall...)

I'm sure I've forgotten something important, but it was a good break, even if these are the only things we did!  Now it is back to school!  Have a great week everyone!

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