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Saturday, January 31, 2015

First World Problem of the day

So here's my first world problem of the weekend....The Boy and The Girl didn't have school Friday, so Mr IM took the day off and they stayed overnight at a new Holiday Inn in the mountains we've been "meaning to check out".  I had to teach (and didn't want to write sub plans or get a dog kennel reservation) so I stayed here.  Here's where the problem comes in...I (foolishly) decided that this was a good time to start watching The Walking Dead series...ummm...oops.  It doesn't help that several years ago I had a reoccurring dream that my cat was a zombie--I think that was directly related to watching part of Pet Cemetery. I seriously freaked myself out last night and considered locking myself in the bathroom until Mr IM and the kids get home....seriously...and the "best part"?  I haven't even finished episode 1 yet...If you come over in the next few days, beware of the cans on strings and the pointy sticks...especially if you're a zombie...

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