Not pictured...frantic "digging" in a crate of blankets in my room at 4 am....about the same time that Liberty overcame her fear of the bathroom (you know, water) and drank all Tigger's water, causing Tigger to "sing" for an hour.
When I woke up for real at 7, there she was, huddled by my window, on the heat vent...looking, but why, oh why does she have paint brushes? Where did they come from? Why does she have them?
Later....her new favorite activity--eating my palm tree. To be followed by yacking it up in a couple hours. Yum.
What is she doing? Looking for a good place to leap onto the counter, of course.
And here she is...on the counter--what you can't see and hear is her frantic chirping and tail flicking as she plans how to catch and cook the little birdies at the feeder.
Alice does have a hard life...all that stalking about and eating plants...late in the morning she retreated to under some furniture upstairs---on top of another heat vent. Maybe she is chilled...
Oh,, but doesn't she look so sweet?
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