5:00 am...same time as a work day--up, dressed (no shower, no time) while Mr IM gets The Boy up. Finish packing (so we can stay up here tonight and not have to drive twice in the dark in one day).
5:20....downstairs, load car check list, grab toast and coffee
5:30...in the car, start the GPS. and we are off. The Boy settles in the back seat with a movie...you know what? I'm ok with that today. Drive...think deep thoughts about good weather, bad weather, wind, semi's, how very dark it is, the voices in my head...radio station fuzzes out near the tunnel, switch to book on CD (Masters of Disaster--I love that book)--Have conversation with The Boy about the book, sun comes up...

7:30 Arrive at mountain almost an hour early. Hmm. OK.
Tell The Boy to get his stuff together and gear on...The Boy realizes his season pass is missing. Boy freaks out...we search all the pockets of his coat, pants, bag....no pass....Ummm... Text the coach and Mr. IM...both say to just go to the season pass office and they can print a new one.
7:35 Walk over to season pass office. They open at 8. Convince The Boy to stop in the restroom. Walk back to car to get snowboard. Walk back to pass office.
7:50 Ask Boy if phone is in his pocket. It's not. Walk back to car to get phone. Feeling very happy that we are parked in the front row of the lot. Find lunch bag sitting on seat. Walk back to pass office.
8:00 Pass office opens. The nice lady prints a new pass, no problems...took about a minute--whew!
8:15 Hand The Boy off to his coach, promise to return by 3:15, even though Mr. IM swears they are never back before 4:00. Walk back to car (again) pick up school bag with computer, papers to grade, and books to read. Start walking towards town. Text Mr. IM, tell him everything is under control. Mr. IM accidentally texts me and The Girl (sleeping). Mr. IM call me. Girl wakes up, finds her dad. Stand on sidewalk in sunny spot and talk to Mr. IM and The Girl for 15 minutes.

Find ice/snow sculpture display--wander more...try to figure out what sculptures were before they started melting.

Decide it is too warm for coat to be zipped...unzip and start taking off layers.

Spend about an hour and a half grading papers (done for weekend now!) Update blog posts...Explore library.

1:00 Find new corner of library to read, finish book, walk back to car for another (I know, silly, I was in a library)

3:40 The Boy arrives, talk with him and his coach. Go to car, he changes into walking shoes.

4:30 The Boy is tired...head to hotel.
5:00 Check in to hotel, discuss dinner choices. Decide to walk to Old Chicago. Discover that the only way is to walk on the road (sidewalk is covered in ice). Drive car 500 feet to restaurant.

6:00 Drive the 30 seconds back to the hotel, change into swim suits, head to pool.
6:15 Hot tub is full of tired skiiers, pool is empty--play with Boy in pool for about an hour.
7:15 Back to room, find movies for Boy, read book, get ready for bed. Boy eats rest of wings and calzone.
9:45 Tell Boy that I'm tired--he can finish his movie and turn out light...How is it he spent the day snowboarding and I spent the day walking around town and he's still up? Night night, all!
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