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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Things I could do better

February is hard.  It is a time of self-doubt and loathing (of ourselves and everyone else) for many of us in education....I think I wrote a post about that last year.  I promise I'm not suffering from too much self-doubt and loathing, just a little self-evaluation prompted not by the February blahs, but by Lent.  Many years ago I participated in a Bible Study where we discussed how to add more to our Lent to make it more meaningful.  These are some of my random thoughts of things I can add or improve ( and maybe a little self-doubt and loathing...)

1.  Meal prep.  Seriously, do all of you who post on Facebook really make all your meals for the week on Sunday afternoon?  Really?  When do you get the grocery shopping done?  Egads...really, meals in general have been a struggle lately...I would really love for someone to just cook for me for a week.  I found myself obsessing over what to cook for dinner at 9 am this morning during US History.  Tonight we had soup that Mr. IM made on Sunday afternoon for the 3rd straight night (and, if you don't count breakfast, the 5th straight meal) for me...Ugh.
2.  Cleaning.  Ugh.  Including the dirty dishes from the non-existent meals.
3.  Blogging.  Yes, yes, I was listening when you said you enjoyed my blog.  (Thank you) but then I read ther people's and I wish I had the guts to write about certain things and the creativity to write about others.
4.  Keeping in touch with family and friends.  I used to be the world's best letter writer.  Really, I was.  I even sent birthday cards, by mail, to everyone I'd ever met (almost).  Now, if it wasn't for Facebook, some of you would never hear from me (sorry).
5.  Prayer list.  I need to find my prayer journal and use it again--it did keep me more focused.  A lot of my praying these days is happening in the car during my commute, which is good in a way, but sometimes feels rushed and unfocused (because I am focusing on driving, in theory)
6. Not yelling at the children and the dog.  Ugh.  This one has been tough this week.  The dog is out of control, the children at my house are driving me nuts and the students at school are right behind them....I am really struggling with patience (and I know it, which frustrates me).  Tonight the children are in their rooms, even though it is only 7 pm, because it was just too much.  And if that dog digs one more hole in the yard, I am not responsible for my actions.
7.  Patience, patience, patience.  Enough said.
8.  Exercising every day.
9.  Creative lesson plans for my support lab.  Just keeping up with the paperwork I've created for myself is wearing me down this week.  I need to simplify.
10.  Stepping away from electronics and doing something else.  Maybe take up knitting or cross stitch again?

Sigh...Ok, I feel better after thank you all for listening....


  1. Yes, but to knit I'd have to remember how to start :) Ugh...Want to Skype this weekend and try to reteach me again? :)

  2. You could also crochet. The myth has been told that if you crochet, you can not knit.
    Number 4 is crazy. It's amazing how many people devote to Facebook as a communication tool. Being a penpal over the years, snail mail has been communication. I think people should switch back
