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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Back to school ramblings

In case you hadn't figured it out, school started.  If you follow me over on Facebook, I'm sure you saw the first day pictures (sorry, none of me...just the kids).  No pictures for this edition--I'll fill you in quick and get back to The Pile (of papers to grade, IEPs to check, lesson plans to write, dishes to wash, clothes to fold....)

Since the Girl and I went back to school on August 10 and 7 respectively, The Boy spent almost 3 weeks Home Alone.  Yes, the capitals are've all seen the movies, right?  I called him one day at about 3 and said something like "ok, I'm headed home and then we need to leave for x...have you had lunch yet?"  His answer?  (and there was evidence to support it)  "Well, I've only had two cans of soup, a box of crackers, three apples, and two individual servings of mac and cheese....what's for dinner?"

School is going well for all of us--I have two teamed classes (half students with an IEP, half without an IEP, two teachers), two foundations classes (all students have an IEP and struggle with reading and writing), a freshman orientation class, and an advisory class. Oh, and 28 ish kids on my caseload (seems to change daily, as they float in and out...Stand Still!  Eesh!)

The Girl loves her classes--all the usual (Algebra, English 9, Earth Science, World Geography, Spanish 1), plus Athletic Training and Theatre.  A boy from theatre class asked her to go to homecoming with him and she agreed to meet him there.  We're in uncharted territory here, folks.  Volleyball is all consuming--practices, study hall, and tomorrow their first real game (scrimmage last weekend went well).

The Boy seems to be adjusting to 5th grade.  I'm sure we'll hear more at back to school night next week, but there seems to have been a slight philosophical switch, 5th grade is even more like Middle School than it was when The Girl went through.  They switch for all their classes and get to participate in sports (hello, cross country...we have missed you?).  It seems to be a good switch (for us)--last night both kids sat in the dining room for several minutes without punching each other.

We are all looking forward to the long weekend--I see some housecleaning and napping in my future!

I also "owe" you'all a "What I read in August" post...although I'm not sure I finished anything...eek...I'll have to look later!

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