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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Old School Blogging --ABC's of Me!

One of my favorite blogs to read when I have time is About 100%--Andrea makes me smile!  She is doing an old-school blog along with Elaine from Misselaineouslife that actually gets me motivated enough to write a blog--well, at least gives me a framework.  You don't get photos like they did though, because, well, it is 9:45 on a school night (see "C")
A- Age: Umm 28?  No?  Ok, 44.
B- Biggest Fear: Can I say spiders?  Heights?  Maybe spiders while at a height--why I cannot change the lightbulb at the top of the stairs.
 C- Current Time: 9:51
D- Drink you last had: Water.  Really.  I was grading US History assignments...and realized I hadn't water all day.  Blech.
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: My friend, J, who although she moved far, far, away still understands exactly what I'm talking about when I text...
F- Favorite Song: Right now--Wiz Khalifa's "See You Again".  I may have an obsession with Fast and Furious
G- Grossest Memory: I was taking our cat to the vet for some minor health issue and let her sit on my lap on the way home because she was traumatized.  She peed on my lap.  We were both traumatized.  Luckily I had leather seats....I wished I had leather pants.
H- Hometown: Flora, Indiana.  
 I- In love with: Caramel anything at the moment--very fall-ish
 J- Jealous Of: People who sleep in
K- Killed Someone? With kindness?
L- Longest Relationship: Other than family--my friend, P.  She'll tell you we weren't really friends until high school (maybe middle school?), but it says relationship, not friendship, so I'm going with it.
M- Middle Name: Elizabeth, same as my grandma and my daughter
N- Number of Siblings: 1 brother 
O- One Wish: That I get to sleep in until daylight on Saturday
P- Person who you last called:  Someone at school--I can't remember who--another teacher to check on a student perhaps
Q- Question you’re always asked: Did you have to work today?  (Ummmm...yeah.  Public School teacher, it's September...ummm, huh?)
R- Reason to smile:   Kittens
S- Song you last sang:  Blessed Be the Name in the car, alone, during that longish drive to work.
T- Time you woke up: 4:50 am.  There's an episode of Downton Abbey where Anna says she dreams of sleeping as long as she wants.  I'm with you Anna...
U- Underwear Color: purple cotton, exciting
V- Vacation Destination:  Dream or reality?  Reality next summer includes Alaska, hopefully South Dakota, and hopefully Michianna....Dream?  St. Thomas again....Middle of the road?  A quiet B and B
W- Worst Habit: Chewing on my fingernails and cuticles. 
X- X-rays you’ve had: Mouth, foot, hip, arm
Y- Your favorite food: Caramel currently (what kind of a deficiency creates a caramel craving?) 
 Z- Zodiac Sign: Capricorn--stubborn...yep.
So if you just found me through the link, nice to meet you!  And "hello" to the rest of you who've I've neglected....


  1. Nice to meet you too! :-) You're a history teacher? That is so cool!

    1. Yes, I teach high school social studies and special education. A fun job!

  2. Hi Sarah! This was so fun to read - your cat story make me laugh and commiserate with you. I also have a gross cat story. Who knew they were such disgusting animals, what with the tongue-bathing and all.

    I think I just answered my own question.

    Thanks for joining in! Now get out there and get yourself some leather pants, girl!

  3. When I was a teenager, my cat peed on my pillow. WHILE I WAS LYING ON THE PILLOW. 4:50 am is making me have a facial tic because ugh.

  4. I did find you through the link-up! Nice to meet you, too. Reason to smile? Kittens, yes! And puppies! One of my co-workers brought their litter of 8 golden retriever puppies to work yesterday afternoon. They are 8 weeks old, and oh-so-cute. I couldn't resist going out and sitting on the grass so they could climb all over me. I think we should have a puppy (or kitten) break every day!

  5. Woman after my own heart, who likes to SLEEP! Me too! Awww, my bed is like Heaven... :) So glad you linked up!

  6. I had a dream and reality vacation, too. Because sometimes the dream might not happen right away, but it is nice to look forward to something a little out of the ordinary!
