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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is like the last "hurrah" before winter sets in...even though some years it has already snowed feet in Colorado before Halloween...this year, the weather has been relatively mild--woke up on Wednesday to 31 degrees and was glad that I moved those last two pepper plants inside.  Plans this year include watching Purdue and Nebraska, visiting our puppy at her foster home, and a little trick or treating.  Here are some links to Halloweens of the past:


Decorating, 2013


Memory Lane

And Bonus--photos from 2013 and 2014, not pictured in Memory Lane!

2013--A minion in a really short skirt and Captain Jack Sparrow (I didn't know Minons wore skirts..)
Twins, 2014

Wolverine, 2014
As well as what appear to be 1993 and 1994 (or maybe two from the same year...who knows)

and one last from 2010--professionally done, with the donation of two cans of food per child...

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