Time to take a trip down memory lane...The Girl's first Halloween...in her spooky shirt and Purdue cardigan. That chair is still sitting in the family room. Hmm..
And here is a very sleepy baby pumpkin, same year. We don't have that couch, but we do have the baby chair. Interesting.
After much searching I found 2002 pictures--I have to tell you, I'm not sure that electronic storage is all it is advertised to be...
Here we have a baby Girl at Grandma and Grandpa's house and dressed up as a puppy (in her Uncle's hat and tail), ready to go to the nursing home and spread some cheer.
And a bonus...Tigger is a costume! I'm surprised we don't still have those toys...
Two cows...the bigger cow also wore this costume in college...I'll have to look for those pictures! 2003
2004, a pile of Elmos...waiting for The Boy to arrive in a couple months. The question of the evening when I was writing this was "Where are all those Elmos?" Um, hmm..don't know (wink, wink).
We seem to have a real problem with pictures from 2005...I know they are saved "somewhere" but I can never find them...Here is a herd of cows though and a bonus baby in a (really tight) pumpkin suit sitting with a bonus Elmo...
Pumpkin carving
Another Elmo, this time with a bucket on his head...and a princess
And some more pumpkin carving...
2007 Mater and a pretty witch. In a related note, Mater hated this costume and cried pretty much the whole time he wore it.
2008, A kitten (thanks, Grandma!) and a red Power Ranger..again, kind of tight..what is it with the Boy and tight costumes?
2009. Not really sure what is going on here--we seem to have Luke Skywalker and a princess with purple hair.
In 2010 we have not only Hermoine and Harry, but also Lucious Malfoy! Harry had glasses somewhere...
And 2011 brings us a young Tonks (from Harry Potter again) and Anakin Skywalker.
2012 brought out Indiana Jones and Katniss Everdeen--complete with bow and arrow for part of the festivities!
And here's a real blast from the past...
1977...A (politically incorrect) Indian (wearing a sun bonnet under her headband) and a tiny leopard, wearing boots and sucking on his finger.
Just wait until you see what we have planned for this year!
Happy Halloween, Everyone!
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