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Saturday, January 30, 2016

A day in the life of Morrison

Ah, to be a puppy.  Here are some random thoughts and photos of a "usual" day for Morrison the puppy....(in no particular order and told in Morrison's voice..)
Ah, one of my favorite activities...eating the garden decorations...I will consume this is made of metal, but I can do it (note the bent petals...)
 I like to run and make Liberty chase me.  Then I chase her.  Then she chases me...then she is tired and pants...
so I try to get the people to come chase me...they usually aren't interested.  Well, except the Boy, but he's not home right now...
 Trick of the week...if you don't come when called, the people shake this bag and yell "puppies"and sometimes they feed me when I come.  Sometimes they don't...its confusing.  They keep saying something like "intermittent reinforcement"...I just think its mean.
 I help the people by eating all the green things in the yard.  This was a pot of lavender that had survived an entire year outside, including several snowstorms this year. I have chewed it down to the dirt so it won't bother my people any more.
 The Boy and I call  this the "dirt pile"  It is a good place to play and makes everyone say things like "blech"!!!
 This is a spot I like to dig--there are mice under that deck and I will get one.  I may have gotten one the other day, the people yelled a lot...I'm not sure, it could have just been a wad of dirt.
 Ah, some of my finest work...have you ever flipped a flower pot into the air and listened to it break on the deck?  NO? Oh, you are missing out!  It is so much fun! And that blue hippo is next on my list--I like to carry him around the yard and listen to the people chase me.  I'm going to get him off the table.  I am.  Really.
 This is my friend, Fish.  I like to bark at him.

 And my other friend, Monkey.  I eat his ears.  And throw him in the air.  And try to take him outside.  Monkeys should get to go outside, right?

 This was my toy box.  I ate it.
 Dirt is your friend.  Embrace the dirt.
 Anything she can do, I can do better......
 I like to go outside at night and early in the morning and watch for mountain lions and coyotes.  I act like a freak, bark a little, whine a little, dance around, and the people freak out.  Especially when there has been a report that there really was a mountain lion in our neighborhood.  He, he, he...I'm so funny.

Playtime with Liberty is always fun--here we are in the PCA (Puppy Containment Area).  She's pretending to not want to play, but I know she's totally into it.

 Another fun game--dump the food and water bowls, walk through them, leave muddy prints, chase the food nuggets around the kitchen.  Fun for everyone!
And naptime...Liberty really wants me to have the whole bed...I know she does.

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