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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Friends are Friends forever... (Are you all singing the song yet?)

So I already wrote about this topic once--about two years ago ,but since it has been 3 weeks since I blogged, I thought I'd check in and say "hi", as well!

Today I was honored to be invited to a going away party for one of my friends.  Her husband has taken a fabulous Chicago.  So this going away party twisted my heart a bit--it was (almost) the exact opposite of the  going I did twenty years ago.  We did smile that "it's only a 15 hour drive"  and "yay, another couch for me to sleep on in the midwest!".  There were some tears, partially because I had to hold a golf club for the first time in 20 some years....but a fun day and a nice way to see her off.  I sometimes think about how lucky we all are that we can keep in touch, and while Facebook, phone calls, emails, and quick visits aren't the same as living near each other,it is so different from a hundred-twenty years ago, when people moved and never went home again.

In other news, school, work, volleyball, guitar, and snowboarding are keeping us busy.  Oh, and Morrison... (see my last post for her daily activities). I also had to watch the entire season of Downton Abbey, six episodes of the X-Files 2016 and Agent Carter every, yeah,.  Eventually, I'll post what I read in January (and perhaps in February at the rate I'm going...)

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