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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Late summer garden update

We didn't plant much this year, and so the updates haven't been very exciting.  We did finish one more small area with succulent plantings and a new patio and put in an arch to train the mystery tree to cover (A bird was in there yesterday and flew out right at Mr. IM's was funny....)
The first frost is possible this week (forecast says low of 35...but that is pretty close to 32...) so it is time to start wrapping up this year.

I think the only crops this year were:
Cherry Tree planted this year--two cherries total
Peach Tree-3rd or 4th year since we planted--4-5 peaches (they were yummy)
Potatoes in a trash can--not harvested yet
Potatoes in the garden--planted for spring harvest, per internet advice...we'll see
Early lettuce--we ate it....
Scallions, onions, chives--harvested and eaten periodically.  All volunteer plants from earlier years..yummy
garlic--some volunteer and some planted using garlic that was sprouting in the kitchen.
Basil--Morrison keeps trying to kill it...but I did use quite a bit during the summer.  We'll see if it gets to come in for the winter.
Lavender--none harvested, because Morrison keeps pulling it up.  We'll see in the next few weeks if there is anything worth saving
Oregano--inside, on the kitchen window sill--will let it keep growing, use it occasionally
Sage--didn't use it much, also in kitchen window sill.  Will probably freeze what is left.
Asparagus--didn't get to eat any of it--it came in and flowered before I realized it was ready
Peas--rodents ate them all :(
Cucumbers--had quite a few--not as many as some years, but enough for a couple new jars of pickles and lots of eating.
Cilantro-planted it in the garden, it has gone crazy. Used it a lot this summer and will let it re-seed itself for next year
Mint:  As always it is going. nuts.  I need to harvest and preserve some before it frosts
Catnip:  Had a slow start, but is going nuts now...should harvest and preserve it as well!
Tomatoes--had a lot--many are still green, so we may have green tomato relish this year if it does freeze soon
Peppers--I think we planted green peppers and jalapenos, but I think they cross pollinated.  There could be some habaneros, too.  All the peppers seem hot.  We haven't had a ton, but have had steady production most of the summer.

I recently saw kale growing in flower pots as an ornamental object, so I think I might try that next year!

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