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Sunday, December 4, 2016

Impromptu Movie Reviews

Updated 12/5/2016
Gee...I feel like I have a lot to catch up on.  The short (long?) story is that after spending years driving 2+hours each way every Saturday and Sunday, we finally gave in and rented a "ski condo" (cue hysterical laughter).  I'll have to give it its own is cute, very appreciated, and the right price (or at least close enough).  We've spent a couple weekend up there, cleaning, making it homey and practicing for ski season. Last weekend Mr IM and the kids went up right after school on Friday and I stayed home ALONE (well, except for the livestock).  I did some shopping, cleaning, reading, and watched five movies of my own choosing...leading me to publish this impromptu movie review issue of the blog....

Movie #1 (Friday 4:20 pm): Whisky, Tango, Foxtrot--from the library, enjoyed it.  Tina Fey is funny but it does a good job with serious content--there is a book that the movie is kind of based on that I just put on hold at the library.  I'll report on the book later.  Two thumbs up...

Movie #2 (Friday, about 7 pm):  Age of Adelaide--Another good one, "rented" for free from Amazon.  The Boy tells me I started watching it once before and didn't like it, but it was good this time...two thumbs up...

Movie # 2 1/2:  (Saturday, mid-day) Girl on a Train--Another from Amazon prime.  I wanted to like it, I thought the book was interesting, but I couldn't reconcile what was on the screen with what I remember from the book and ended up wondering if it was the same book that I thought I read.  I stopped it after about 15 minutes.  I'll try again some other time, maybe...

Movie #3 (Saturday, mid-day):  13 Hours in Benghazi--from the library--intense but very good.  I read the book and the movie does it justice.  Two thumbs up

Movie #4 (Saturday afternoon):  Bad Moms--actually the only movie I paid money for this weekend because I'd heard how great it was....if it had been free it might have received more praise from me...I was disappointed because I was expecting it to be hilarious stupidity (and it was) but the main premise was that a mom decides to be a bad mom, break up with her husband of 10+ years and start looking for a fling.   (Ok, there's more to it than that, and it was funny...but I'm disappointed that I rented it instead of getting it for free from the library later...)  One thumb?

Movie #5 (Saturday evening?):  Hot Pursuit--so here's the thing, I don't have any idea what order I watched any of these in, but it doesn't really matter. And I'll admit that I graded papers, and did housekeeping while watching some.  This movie was free on Amazon and it was entertaining--a good movie to "watch" while folding laundry!  Two thumbs up...

So next weekend, I may be home again, but The Girl will be here studying for finals, so it may be a book weekend instead of movies (or only what I can watch on my kindle with headphones!)

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