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Sunday, October 2, 2016

What I read in September 2016

Apparently I can't keep track of time well--since I last wrote, I participated in a yarn crawl (and won one of the grand prizes) and have been busy with life.

Here's what I was reading when I wasn't "doing":

1.  All Fall Down:  An Embassy Row Novel (Ally Carter)--I loved "I'd Tell You I Love You, But I'd Have to Kill You", Ms. Carter's series from a few years ago.  Well, at least I loved the first few books.  The last couple were strange.  So when she started this series I didn't jump and read it.  I was looking for a new series (and hanging out in the teen tower) and started reading.  It was good--probably top ten material.  About a teen girl who is the granddaughter of the ambassador to a European country,  It has some similarities to the Gallagher Girls series (spies, secrets, adventure) while staying pretty tame and PG rated.  Entertaining. likeable characters, etc.
2.  See How They Run (Ally Carter)--book two of the series--not as good as book 1, but the third book comes out in December, we'll see if it redeems the series.
3.  Fly Away (Kristin Hannah)--Another find in my search for "something good".  By the same author as The Nightingale.  Just found out it is actually the 2nd book in a mini-series, but I don't remember not understanding anything.  About an Oprah like woman who looses her best friend to cancer and how the choices she makes impact her and others.  good read.  I will probably read more that she has written.
4.  The Last Camel Died at Noon (Elizabeth Peters) on CD--always good in the car..
5.  Play Dead (Anne Frasier)-recommended by a friend and interlibrary loaned through the library.  It is a mystery/crime novel set in Savannah Georgia.  It was good, a little gory at times, but a good story.  If our library owned them, I might eventually read the others.  At this point I'll probably wait. This book centered on a detective who was sort of a voodoo priestess as well and how she solves crimes using her detective smarts and voodoo knowledge.

Only 5 and I'm not sure that any are top ten material--maybe Fly Away or collectively the Ally Carter books...but not spectacular.  I have been reading a book called How to Build A Better Teacher for about a month as well.  While it won't make the top 10, it might get its own post--it is interesting material.

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