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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My weird day

Because I no longer have a cache of blogs pre-written and ready to post, tonight you get a ramble about how strange this week is.

Today, tomorrow, and Thursday we are administrating the TCAP (CSAP, standardized test, whatever you want to call it) to our 9th and 10th graders.  I arrived at school about my normal time (6:30)--found my co-proctor, got our tests, got into the room and administered tests all morning...then ate a quick lunch at my desk.  For the record, two "regular size" frozen pizzas no longer leave me enough pizza for lunch the next day...The children are officially like locusts--I had one small piece left and I was glad to have that much!..After/during lunch, I quickly checked and dealt with some email and headed to musical practice.  Yay!!  Today we practiced in costume (no make-up today though, we just refused).  I keep getting new "parts"--today we found out that one of the other ensemble members probably won't be at either performance, so I get to help push the birdcage out onto stage.  There was a very awkward moment in which my friend, H, and I stood on stage behind the main characters in a scene and tried to think of a graceful exit strategy (well, at least I tried, she said she was enjoying it). Afterwards I picked up the children, fed them grilled cheese (with avocado and tomato), took The Girl to drums, supervised homework and now am previewing Mr. Ranch's latest ski film.  The rough cut is done and this year's music is royalty free, so stay tuned for a viewing sometime soon!

Tomorrow will be similar to today, except insert "volleyball practice" instead of "drum lesson".  The Boy and I may be doing his homework at a coffeehouse though while The Girl practices.  Thursday again is similar, except the faculty is doing a performance (for real!) at 5pm and my parents are arriving to hang out with the kids on Friday (they are out of school again for some mysterious reason).  Then Saturday is another performance and then...well, we're one week closer to spring break!  I'll find something exciting to write about the meantime, local folks, let me know if you're interested in seeing a (fantastic) faculty production of "Once Upon a Mattress" on Thursday or Saturday!

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