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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas from the Ranch!

A few pictures from our week!
 Nothing says Christmas cookie like a Tie Fighter...

A little snow....more predicted for tonight!

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Thankfulness :)

Things I'm thankful for this morning....

This kitty mug and a book about my sweet friend, Kristin's survival after a horrible car crash last spring (and thankful she survived and is doing well)

 This view from my kitchen sink...
 and this one from the patio doors...
 A sleeping dog..
 A cat, that while, not sleeping, is not destroying anything
Christmas cards from far and wide, including one from my college roommate that I thought lost contact with.....even when I haven't managed to send out ours.

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Motivation, chaos, normal life at the Ranch...

If you are a teacher or a parent (ok, a human being) you know that this can be a nutty time of year. Add to that some computer and camera issues and you have an explanation for why my blogging has been slightly more sporadic lately.

School hasn't been too crazy, but it has been I participated in two manifestation determination meetings--meetings where we determine if the student's behavior is directly related to their diagnosed disability. Always a hard day and challenging discussion, involving difficult situations, teachers, deans, administrators, parents, kids...well, you get it.  I had to leave one of my team teachers by himself...he was fine, and we are about even from his coaching early dismissals...but I still feel kind of bad.  Today was also "Ugly Christmas Sweater Day"...there is nothing like trying to hold a serious meeting while everyone in the room is wearing a very hideous sweater....Tomorrow our counseling department celebrates "Festivus for the rest of us" (Seinfield reference)--always a fun day to spend some time with folks from all over the building as we run from class to class.  My students are hanging in there, we've had a few breakdowns and therefore breakthroughs. I think we've used more tissues this week than the rest of the year combined though... The Ranch kids only go to school until 10:30 on Friday (I have school all day) and then we are on break....

We finally have the Christmas tree purchased and moved in from the garage.  It has lights and about 3 ornaments-the ones we've been given this year--I suppose we'll get the other ornaments out soon...Many years ago I rolled my eyes at my mom when she said she wasn't going to put ornaments on the tree, just lights...but it is sounding pretty tempting right now.  But, I suppose the children will talk me into ornaments before the weekend is over.  Or, perhaps, now that they are almost as tall as me, perhaps they will just go get the ornaments and decorate the tree without me having to do anything (Hey, I can dream...)

The Boy has started Snowboard team and is loving it.  He has also developed a nasty cough and post-nasal drip...making me wonder daily if we need to steam him.  Tonight I made him take a shower with the Vic's "bubble bath" and he sounded a little better.

\The Girl and I have discussed re-arranging and perhaps even painting her room during break..requiring a deep cleaning and purging first though.  After spending about an hour in there tonight trying to help her sort and purge, I'm exhausted....I'm looking forward to a couple naps though...breaks are good.  I'm also hoping to read a couple books (the pile by the bed is growing again) and hopefully do some lesson planning between the bedroom cleaning.

The pets and kids miss Indy Dog, but are having less melt downs--Mr. IM is convinced that Liberty needs a new friend (and the Rescue Folks do have a puppy that looks just like Baby Indy)...but I don't think we are ready for another dog (and I'm not ready for a puppy) yet.  I suggested a kitten that could ride Liberty like a horse, but so far everyone has vetoed my idea.  I still trip over the spot where Indy slept every morning, in my attempt to step over where she isn't (follow that).  Tigger has stopped waking us up every morning--he now only seems to wake us up on weekends.  we are hypothesizing that he and Indy had some kind of weird arrangement, that Tigger was actually waking Indy up periodically to see if she was ok.  Or not, maybe Tigger really is just a jerk who likes to wake people up and "talk" to them in the middle of the night.

Speaking of Tigger, I've been on his case about writing his annual Christmas letter, but since I haven't created or ordered Christmas cards yet, that seems unnecessary.  Maybe over break Tigger and I will write a letter for the blog.  If you have a hankering to see photos of us in the meantime, head on over to Facebook (unless you're a stranger, in which case, don't, ok?)

Well, this isn't a very exciting blog, but at least you won't worry that I'm lost somewhere....until next time...

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Getting a tree, Ranch style

After a slight snafu, involving questionable behavior from the children, we finally went to the tree lot today to pick up a tree.  The local Boy Scout Troop has a lot and, as usual, when we arrived they had about 5 trees left.  This year we didn't wait long enough to get a discount though (the year we bought a tree on December 19, we bought it for half off...).
We are in the midst of a seasonally appropriate snow as well--makes the view from the kitchen window very pretty!

 You can see the lot across the street--it is snowing and my phone didn't go to the lot with us.  Since The Girl is using my waterproof, shockproof camera for yearbook, that leaves me with only the phone as a photo taking device.
The Boy was cold, by the way.  The Girl was already sitting in the car, despite the six teenage Boy Scouts discussing Mr. IM's car and attaching the tree to said car's roof...
 Mr IM was also cold...and in case you were wondering, yes, that is a carbon fiber hood.
 View of the tree lot (and the hospital). See...we didn't take the last tree!

 The Boy says "my face is freezing...."
Nice and warm in the car...

The tree is thawing (and dripping) in the garage while we get ready for The Boy's birthday party at the new trampoline park at the new rec center....More festive photos to follow soon...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Happy Golden Birthday to the Boy!

Yep....he is 10 on the 10th...double digits...whoo, hoo...

A trampoline party is planned at our new rec center for next weekend, but in the meantime, Happy Birthday, Kid!

Birthday photos by year from last December...

Monday, December 8, 2014

What I read in November

1.  California (Edan Lepucki)--Another post-apocalyptic novel, set in the Western US, but not entirely in California.  Follows a couple who leave civilization and then decide to go back, sort of.  It was recommended in some magazine I read a while back.  Good book, pretty quick read.
2.  Redeemed (PC Cast and Kristin Cast)  Ah..and that's the more Vampire Academy books.  Although it appears there might be a spin off, I'm not really clear on that.  Enjoyed the book, it was entertaining...glad I'm done with the (long) series and can read other things now.
3.  Moon Over Manifest (Clare Vanderpool) This is the first Newberry Award winner written in the last 15 years that I really enjoyed.  The Girl is going to read it with her class later this year and we listened to it in the car.  The kids and I loved it.  The main character is a 12ish year old girl who is sent to live with family friends while her dad looks for work during the Depression.  Lots of interesting characters, good story, nice resolution.
4.  The Blood of Olympus (Rick Riordan) Once again Rick Riordan swears this is the "last Percy Jackson book"...and it could be...but there are still a couple other series being published and who knows, Percy could reappear.  Typical Percy Jackson book, if you know what I mean...entertaining, quick read..
5.  Navigating Early (Clare Vanderpool)  Like so many other "second books", I didn't enjoy this one as much as Moon...but it could be the content or the characters--this was about a 12 year old boy at boarding school during World War 2.  It was good, but not as good as Moon over Manifest.  Again, it was a quick read--good book, I'm looking forward to seeing what Clare Vanderpool writes next.
6.  Inescapable (Nancy Mehl)  Interesting idea--although it has been done before. A young woman who grew up Old Order Mennonite returns to the small town she grew up in after living in Kansas City (St. Louis?) for five years.  There is a mystery, a bit of a love story.  It was was free for Kindle when I picked it up, so it was a great weekend Kindle read.
7. Heroes of the Holocaust (Alan Zullo and Mara Bovsun) Interesting short collection of stories about teens who I hadn't heard of before who were instrumental in saving others during the WW 2 Holocaust.  I received it free from Scholastic when I ordered another WW 2 book and thought it was  a good addition to my World War 2 novel/picture book box.  I try to at least skim the books I put in my school box, so I have some idea what my students are reading.  This one was pretty good--short stories about several teens.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Warren Miller Rocks!

So for 20+ years I have napped through enjoyed watching Warren Miller films with Mr. IM but have never seen one in a theater.  This year we had a chance to go, so we went!  The film was good--entertaining, lots of "ooh" inducing ski scenes for the family and maybe a short nap for me. (ha, just kidding...or am I?).  It played at the art center, about 15 minutes from our house, on the Tuesday night that Thanksgiving break started (rather than a  random Monday school night in December!)

 Look what was in the parking lot!!! A mobile LLBean boot....oooh...And look how tall The Girl looks...ohhhhh...  The driver was fun--they drove the boot all the way from Freeport, stopping at other events along the way.  At least it is waterproof (ha, ha....)

 Yes....I was saying "Put your phone away!!!"

Some misc ski area and related sponsor swag--no prizes, but this was fun.  The Boy decided that the REI bottle opened is a snowboard and that he should attach it to his coat.  We'll see how that goes over at school next week...

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thanksgiving baskets, 2014 version

You may (or may not) remember that last year the Knights of Columbus delivered 410 Thanksgiving Baskets .  This project started about 10 years ago, when the Knights volunteered to provide 40 baskets for a local charity.  Over the years the project has grown and now involves the entire parish.  This year the knights requested donations of baskets and money for baskets to make 443 baskets, and were blessed with enough for 462 to deliver.  For the second time, we were able to help deliver to Joshua Station, a transitional housing center for families.

Here are some photos (and narrative) of our day building and delivering baskets...

 That's a lot of turkeys....
 and canned goods....
 and baskets....
 One of the baskets we made--he is showing off that he carried it part way from the car to the church by himself...

 "NO PHOTOS!  Geez!"  She was a good helper...
 Anther completed basket, headed for the delivery station
 This one must be heavier...took two boys to carry!

Wow...that is a lot of baskets....

 Loaded car....
 Baskets delivered!

Joshua Station, from the parking lot.  This year we were able to tour their new 3 bedroom unit--it is pretty cool.  Designed for a single mom and her 7 kids--great use of space and beautifully put together.