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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

20 years?

Nope, not our anniversary (yet) has been twenty years since my sister-in-law's high school graduation--yowsers...(and congratulations, A, by the way!)

Why, you may ask, do I remember my husband's little sister's graduation date?  Well, it actually is related to our wedding anniversary, so it is theoretically easy to remember.  And, I'll admit, I actually don't recall which day of the weekend 20 years ago her graduation actually was--I believe it was Saturday, and the date stamp on the photos says 6/17/ thanks to the internets, I can confirm that it was a Saturday...

The week before our wedding, Mr IM and I took a whole week off and flew to New Hampshire for his sister's graduation and some pre-wedding festivities with folks who wouldn't be able to make it to Indiana for the wedding.  This meant that we had a week of vacation before the wedding (which worked out well, with the New Hampshire trip and the last minute wedding activities), but meant that we only took the Monday after our Saturday wedding off work--both of us headed back to work on Tuesday, and in Mr. IM's case, discovered that the company had  gone out of business...but that is a story for another day...

As I recall, we left Indiana after work on Friday, flew to New Hampshire, went to graduation on Saturday, went to a bridal shower (and had lobster on the seacoast on the way home) on Sunday, flew home on Monday or Tuesday in time to greet our wedding guests who started arriving.  The bridal shower was at Mr. IM's grandparents' house, on the golf course in Maine, so part of the entertainment was watching "the boys" golf.  Somewhere in there, there was a slumber party-esque morning, during which Mr IM's mom presented all of us (Sister A, Mr IM, me, and our best man, who apparently slept on one living room couch while Mr IM slept on the other) with gifts.  I must have those photos somewhere...hmmm... I wonder where...they were classics..disheveled hair, no make-up...we were quite a quartet..

It was a whole week of parties--here is Mr IM's little sister hugging A, who was our best man later that week (no clue who the person in the background is...creeper...)

I am guessing that this is an open house for Sister A's graduation, which means there was one more party worked in there somewhere....The couch looks familiar, but no clue who the girl on the left is.  (Sister A is in the middle, Mr. IM on the right...with his arm on a pillow that might be in my living room as we doesn't look quite right, but it would have been 20 years cleaner then...)

This gem is a TBT worthy photo--don't be surprised if you see it on my Facebook page... these are the older siblings  (and a few friends) of the class of '95 graduates who were the class of '92...

Sometime after this weekend of parties, Mr IM's dad filled a UHaul with stuff (stuff for Sister A, who attended Purdue that fall, furniture that my in-laws were "donating" to us, and wedding gifts from the shower....) which we unloaded into our 300 square foot apartment (photos to follow in a later post, for your amusement).

So, Congratulations to Sister A and the rest of the Gilford graduating class of 1995!

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