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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Happy 20th Anniversary to us...

A long time ago, in a place fairly far away, on a very, very, hot June day...these two kids stood up and promised each other a happily ever after...

After the ceremony, across the street from the church ,at the fountain where Mr IM proposed
And even though it hasn't been all smooth sailing (car engine disasters, anyone?)
Three cities, five addresses, two kids, two dogs, three cats, and seven cars later...
I have to admit it has been quite a ride!
Happy Anniversary to us!

 A few other photos from that day--please excuse the "I used my phone to take photos instead of scanning"....

"Pledge daughter" and still good friend, J, and I

Roommate C, Sister A, and J...somewhere there is a photo of them doing the "see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil"....
Arriving at the reception

Sister A, Friend R, Friend M, and R's mom

Our own wedding crasher(s)--technically I don't think any of these young men count as crashers--on the right is my brother's college roommate, C, in the center my brother, and on the left, my brother's good friend, R, who actually lived with us for a year...J and C played at the wedding and even if R didn't have an official invite, I can't imagine not inviting him

And this classic, that my brother still giggles about--the tossing of the garter, with his roommate out in front to catch it....


  1. Happy anniversary! Where was this? Flora? i have no memory of this, we must have moved away before and missed it! Ack! Now we'll have to watch the video.

  2. West Lafayette...and yes, I think you had just moved away!
