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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Housekeeping in 300 square feet.

I think we have a tent that claims to be 100 square feet...according to my estimation, that must be about the same size as the bedroom in our first apartment--egads..

Ok, let's see what we having going on in this living room area..on the left are a chair that left us, went to Sister A, was recovered and now (with its twin) is back in my living room (Excellent). Lamp behind chair broke when we moved to Colorado and is no longer with us. On the right is the best couch we ever gave away (pillow and blanket are currently on the futon in the family/bonus room).  Chess board still sits on subwoofer (yes, that large black thing is a subwoofer).  Basket to its left now hold hangers for the kids rooms and is sitting on a beer box that currently holds the "extra" school supplies that won't fit in my desk.  Glass top coffee table was rescued from near the dumpster by us, the day we were moving in...and the day we moved out we carried it out to the dumpster and watched another couple immediately carry it inside their apartment.  Curtains now hang in The Girl's room. Best things about this room/wall were the large windows (so we could see grass and trees!) and the metal wall that magnets could be attached to.  Worst things about this room (other than the tiny size?) were the large windows and metal wall that let in a lot of heat and cold!

While not technically another room (the couch is just outside this picture--the table was pushed right up against it), this is the "dining room".  No, I don't know why there is such a big bowl of chips either (looks like a party--there is sandwich meat and cheese there).  The small round table under the plastic flowered tablecloth traveled to Denver with us and then back to the Midwest with Sister A....and it promptly fell out of her moving van and broke into a million pieces...bye, bye, table.  The cord near the over goes up to a vent fan that we removed and put in an air conditioner.  The black chair went to my parents house, moved to South Dakota, was repainted, and gifted to one of my kids with Purdue decals a few years ago.  Funny story about the stove--it is identical (actually the whole apartment is identical) to the stove from the campus housing apartment I lived in when Mr IM and I met.  My roomates and I decided to make cookies once and discovered that the oven is too small for a "normal" size cookie tray...blink, I own a very tiny cookie tray....Best thing about this room was tons of cabinets--almost as many as I have now (or not...hard to tell)
And these last photos (that I was too lazy to take individual photos of, but are cute anyway) show our first meal in the apartment...Some kind of chicken and was tasty and  we used the china and flatware...but we haven't made that recipe for years...maybe I should try to hunt it down and see if it is any good!

The real saving grace to this apartment (other than being able to store stuff in my parents' garage) was the fairly large storage locker in the basement near the laundry room (the locker was a great place to store the laundry detergent and all the things we didn't open until we moved to our 3rd address in Denver) and those fantastic cabinets in the kitchen.

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