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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Advent Week 2, 2015

The outdoor lights have been up for a week--most of the indoor decorations is out...We continue through Advent, looking ahead to an elementary school program this week.

Sunday, December 6, 2015
Second Sunday of Advent.   Today is the second Sunday of Advent and Saint Nicholas Day.  The second Sunday of Advent is a continued time of preparation.  This second purple candle is sometimes called the candle of preparation.(Light two purple candles).    Today, on Saint Nicholas Day, we remember that he is the saint of travelers.  We remember that Mary and Joseph were travelers, far from home.  Prayer:  Dear God, Thank you for our warm, safe house. As we decorate and prepare our home for Christmas help us to remember and care for people who need shelter today.

Monday, December 7, 2015
Luke 2:7 "....there was no room for them in the inn".
 It would have been a long trip between nazareth and Bethlehem.  It would have taken them about 10 days to travel the 90 miles.  Think about a time when your family took a long trip.  How did you feel at the end of the long journey?  Were you tired?  Hungry?  Cold?  Mary and Joseph were probably all of these when they reached Bethlehem.  They may have felt scared, too, since Mary was about to have a baby and they couldn't find a place to stay.  So many people had traveled to Bethlehem for the census that there was no room for them.  They must have been thankful when they found a place to stay in the stable.  Prayer:  Dear God, help us to show love and kindness to each other as we prepare to celebrate Christmas

Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Isaiah 9:6  For to us a child is born...
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception honors Mary's life.  She was chosen to be the Mother of God before she was born--What an amazing thought! We are reminded that God has a plan for all of us, just like he did for Mary.  We may not always know or understand God's plan, but if we listen carefully to his directions, we can do what he wants us to do. Dear God, help us to listen to you and follow your plan for us.  Thank you for your guidance.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Proverbs 8:30-31 I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.
During this season we remember that God sent His Son because He loves everyone in the world.  This is a time of year when we try to think of others, both family and friends and others around the world.  It is a time to rejoice, but also to be thankful and to share what we can.
Prayer:  Thank you, God, for sending Jesus.  Help us to be generous and kind during this season.

Thursday, December 10, 2015
Luke 2:7  She ....placed him in a manger.
After their long journey and search for a place to stay, finally Mary and Joseph had a dy shelter.  There were no beds, no clean sheets, and no blankets to keep them warm, probably only straw.  Cows and donkeys, and maybe sheep shared the stable with them. Not much of a place for a baby to be born, was it?  When Jesus was born, Mary wrapped him in strips of cloth to keep him warm and dry.  Prayer: God, thank you for our beds, our blankets, and that we have a safe, warm place to sleep.  Please be with those tonight who do not have these things.

Friday, December 11, 2015.
Luke 2:12  You will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger.
Nativity scenes are an important tradition for many of us during Advent.  They remind us that Jesus's beginnings were very humble. Each of the characters has an important part in the story.  They each teach us something and remind us of the meaning of Christmas.  Who are some of the characters in our nativity set? What can we learn from them?  Prayer: Thank you, God for reminding us of the real reason for Christmas.  Help us to remember while we prepare.

Saturday, December 12, 2015
Luke 2:8  And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.
Sheep need a lot of care.  The Bible says, "the shepherds were watching over their sheep.".  Why would the shepherds need to stay in their fields at night to watch the sheep?  Jesus sometimes calls himself a shepherd.  Just like shepherds take care of their sheep, Jesus takes care of us.  Shepherds use staffs to guide and protect their sheep.  Candy canes are a symbol to help us remember this.  The shape of candy canes reminds us of a shepherd's staff and that Jesus is our shepherd.  When we hold a candy cane upside down, it looks like a "J" for "Jesus".  The red color reminds us of Christ's sacrifice and the white symbolizes His holiness and purity.  Prayer.  Dear God, help us to remember that you are taking care of us.  Thank you for being our shepherd.

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