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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Advent week 3, 2015

Sunday, December 13, 2015
Third Sunday:  The Third Sunday of Advent is soetimes known as the cndle of Joy. This pink candle also reminds us that we have reached the mid-point of the Advent Season.  Christmas is coming soon! Light three candles, two purple and one pink.  Read one of your family's favorite versions or translations of Jesus's birth.  Prayer:  Now Jesus's birthday is nearer.  As we choose gifts for our family and friends, we stop to say:  "Thank you, God, for Jesus, your gift that brings joy to us.".

Monday, December 14, 2015
Luke 2:30, 32:  For my eyes have seen your salvation,...the light for reveelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people, Israel.
Typically the Christmas story ends with the visit of the wise men from the East.  But the story of Christ continues through the New Testament.  When we read the Bible, especially Luke 2, we can learn about people other than the wise men who had waited a long time to see Jesus.  Simeon and Anna were two of these people who spend most of their lives praying for the Christ Child's coming.  When they met him, they praised God.  Prayer:  Thank you, God, for sending us Jesus.  Help us to remember the real reason for Christmas during this busy season.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Luke 2:20  The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for al the things they had heard and seen"
Imagine the excitement the shepherds felt when the entire sky lit up with angels.  The shepherds were probably scared, but an angel told them wonderful news--Christ has been born!  The shpherds immediatley jumped up and went to find the baby Jesus.  What a happy occasion--the long-awaited King had finally arrived!  Christmas is a wonderful time to tell others about Christ.  Prayer:  Thank you, God, for your gift of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Acts 20:35: Lord Jesus himself said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive"
During this season we can become focused on giving and receiving gifts.  We can also become more aware  of people in need.  Not everyone lives in a warm house with three meals a day.  During this busy season we should take time to share what we have with others.  What are some ways we can do this?  Prayer: Thank you, God, for all the comforts we have.  Help us to be a comfort to others.

Thursday, December 17, 2015
Matthew 2:2  We saw his star in the East and have come to worship him.
There has been lots of confusion about the men who came to visit Jesus.  Were they kings?  Wise Scholarly men?  Did they visit Jesus on the night he was born or when he was a toddler?  We do know that they watched the night skies and a new star appeared when Christ was born.  This star led them to Jesus.  They worshipped Jesus, and then went home by a different path to protect him from King Herod. Prayer: Thank you, God, for the example of the Wise Men.  Help us choose gifts for Jesus and for others that are meaningful.

Friday, December 18, 2015
Matthew 2:11  Then they opened their trasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and myrrh.
Do you ever think that the gifts that the Wise Men brought to Jesus were strange gifts for a child?  What gifts would you bring ot Jesus?  The gifts remind us that Jsus was a king, even when he was a tiny baby.  Prayer:  Thank you, God, for sending Jesus to live like us.  Help us remember to be thankful for gifts we receive.

Saturday, December 19, 2015
Song of Songs 2:12  Flowers appear on the earth, the season of singing has come.
Most Christmas decorations have meaning behind them.  For example, legend has it that when a poor family couldn't affort to decorate their tree a spider came to spin beautful webs on the trees to remind the family of the miracle of Christ's birth.  Today was use tinsel to remember the legend.  According to another legend, a boy and his sister had nothing to give Jesus for his birthday.  On the way to church on Christmas Eve, they picked some weeds to place on the manager as a gift.  As they prayed at church, the green leaves near the top of the weeds turned to bright red petals, we call this a poinsettia today.  Prayer:  Thank you, God, for all the wonderful reminders of your love for us.

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