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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Christmas Gift Giving Thoughts and Holiday wrap up (sort of)

When the kids were little we used to joke that it took all day to open the Christmas gits and when it was over we had a room full of toys and the kids were playing with the boxes.  That (first world) problem has gotten exponentially better as they got older, but I'm always looking for ways to make Christmas about, well, Christmas, not about the gifts.  A few weeks before Christmas, I saw a blog (or a meme, or something) that suggested that kids (and I suggest everyone) should get 4 gifts (and only 4 gifts, although we didn't hit that goal this year).  The suggestions for the four gifts were one of each of these:  toy, clothes, something they need, something they want.  I added "and a book" to the list this year, and by working closely with Santa and the grandparents was able to make sure all these bases were covered.  I don't want to speak for Santa, but I know the list made me much more thoughtful when choosing gifts. Finding a toy for a 14 year old girl was challenging, as was finding something that either child needed.  Stockings were still free game--lots of "stuff", but the stocking rule is "cheap", so it isn't really an issue.  Here's what the kids ended up with for gits from Mom and Dad and Santa:

                                  Girl                             Boy
Need                      phone charger                dress socks with R2D2 and storm troopers on them
Want                      lamp                               Legos
Clothes                  sweatshirt                       pajamas in a size that fits
Toy                        spinning Minion            Micromachines (Star Wars)
                              (it is awesome...)  
Book                      Adulting:  How to         Q and A a Day for Kids:  A Three Year Journal

                            Become an Adult in 
468 Easy(ish) Steps  (highly recommended
by one of my recently graduated seniors)

I'm happy with how it turned out this year...I'm thinking of trying to institute the rule for Mr IM next year, too.  I like the idea that you are never too old to receive a toy and that you receive something you need, something you want and a book...

We had a nice Christmas, it was just the four of us this year. Had a tasty prime rib that made the best stew ever and there are a couple pieces left for sandwiches today.  We're spending a lot of time this break hanging out with Morrison (and Liberty)...right now Morrison is passed out under my feet while I type!  The New Year's Eve plan is to watch some movies and probably make chilli.

Happy New Year!


  1. Marvelous advice, Sarah! And I love how you added in a book. I believe this plan makes each gift much more memorable, too. Happy New Year, Lemire family! xoxo
